Time was, Wilson Building Maintenance had but one employee, and she knew at first hand the business end of mops, brushes and brooms. Now, our first employee is our president, and there are over 200 other Wilson employees, virtually all of them full-time workers. They constitute the most experienced, most loyal maintenance work-force in Wichita.
Throughout its growth and maturity, the company has taken seriously the responsibilities of corporate citizenship. From the Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce, American Cancer Society, Boy Scouts of America, Wichita Rotary Club, Youth Entrepreneurs to the Wichita River Festival, and through many other organizations and causes, Wilson has tried to serve the greater good in volunteerism and philanthropic support of worthy causes in Kansas.
We live here too, and we want our customers, our business colleagues, and our neighbors to take us at face value. At five o’clock this afternoon Wilson Building Maintenance, Inc. will be waiting to help you make the most of tomorrow.